Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Topeka, KS - TREC- Child Trafficking and profiting agency- Whores of the Court Who endanger Women and Children Assist Batterers in getting custody of their Children from the mother in Revenge for her leaving him.


Every one jumps aboard the job created security band wagon of taking battered mothers children from them. What is wrong with these people? Batterers who are a threat and or are dangerous to need supervision CHILDREN DO NOT NEED THIS!!!

TREC aka Odyssey, Kara Haney  (who actually admits supporting abusers) and Julie Damron-Dittmer, as well as safe Visits Connie Sanchez have a NOTED HISTORY of keeping battered mothers away from their mothers. See: Claudine Dombrowski and Rikki Dombrowski Case- The 8 time convicted and admitted Batterer HAL G. RICHARDSON.

Social Workers ARE NOT trained by the State of Kansas to DEAL with Batterers, Their program is their own program- and does nothing but hurt victims of violence. The Mothers and the Children. This is truly a govt sanctioned and tit sucking agency.  They all feed off the Family Court tit, they all make more money by supervised visits and by keeping the cases in the family court for years!!

All the little (cant make it any other way) for profit Whores of the Court Batterer and Pedophile Friendly – Battered Mother Child harvesting---



Area agency attempts to fill gap from United Way cuts

Julie Damron-Dittmer, family services director for the Treatment Resource and Education Center, sits in one of the facility's new rooms for families to visit in.   ANN WILLIAMSON/THE CAPITAL-JOURNAL
Julie Damron-Dittmer, family services director for the Treatment Resource and Education Center, sits in one of the facility's new rooms for families to visit in.
By Aly Van Dyke
With news of United Way funding cuts to another children visitation and exchange service in Topeka, the Treatment Resource and Education Center has stepped up services to meet the need.
TREC, which operates out of 220 S.W. 33rd St., has tripled its space, doubled its visitation staff and upped its security — all in an effort to fill a gap that will widen if Safe Visit closes its doors.
Safe Visit is a support program under the YMCA umbrella and operates out of the Seaman Church, 2036 N.W. Taylor. The 15-year-old Topeka program — which provides more than 1,000 supervised visits and exchanges of children a year — announced in January it might have to cease operations by the end of February.
But program administrator Connie Sanchez said that won’t happen.
“We’re going to make it,” Sanchez said Friday. “We’ve just gotten a lot of support, and I’ve heard from so many people that we can’t go away.”
News of Safe Visit’s potential closure came on the tails of an announcement from United Way of Greater Topeka that the agency wouldn’t be awarded any noncommitted money this year. In the past, Safe Visit received $70,000 from United Way — about half of the organization’s budget.
It is one of eight former United Way programs that didn’t receive funding in the first round of applications. Two programs — Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas’s Parent Child Learning Center and Breakthrough House’s Emergency Aid program — have ceased because of the funding cuts.
United Way of Greater Topeka committed more than $6 million during the next three years to area nonprofit groups, with its first round of funding. Another $543,000 has been designated to local agencies. The agency is planning two more funding rounds in 2012.
In the wake of Safe Visit’s previous announcement, TREC prepared to fill the void — though it wasn’t clear exactly how big it that would be. At different times, the number of families that would need help ranged from 170 cases a week to 300.
“We didn’t know what we needed to be prepared for,” said Julie Damron-Dittmer, family services director for TREC. “There was a lot of confusion about what was going to happen.”
So TREC contacted the landlords of its Visit/Exchange Center and increased its space from five suites to nine. It added seven on-call visitation staff members to its staff of five.
TREC also increased security both for on- and off-site visits — a need, Damron-Dittmer said, because Safe Visit is known for its security.
“One judge describes TREC as the place to send families that don’t have a safety concern, and Safe Visit for those that do,” she said, adding that the new security measures should change that perception.
At least one security staff member is on site at all times, she said, and the program now has the ability to call in law enforcement for off-site visits.
With the new space — renovated with personal money from the organization’s five administrators — TREC can accommodate more than 670 visits a week, Damron-Dittmer said. The number of referrals and families has increased since Safe Visit’s announcement, she said.
TREC does some things differently from Safe Visit, Damron-Dittmer said — the primary difference being that TREC supervises off-site visits, some as far away as Kansas City.
Safe Visit doesn’t offer off-site supervision, Sanchez said, because both state and national standards consider community supervision a safety risk.
Visit arrangements also depend on what the judge orders, Damron-Dittmer said, and can be changed through a judge if safety is considered an issue. The program also does home studies before visitations.
TREC tries to accommodate the family as much as possible, too, she said. The center has visits until 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 6 p.m. Saturdays and 5 p.m. Sundays. It opens at 8 a.m. every day except Sunday, when services start at 1 p.m.
And TREC doesn’t rely on any grant funding, Damron-Dittmer said. None of the money the nonprofit receives goes to pay administrative salaries, she said. They work as volunteers.
Instead, money goes to pay the security and supervision staff and, she said, “to keep the lights on.”
Although the United Way of Greater Topeka has opened its noncommitted funds to all area nonprofits, Damron-Dittmer said, she has no intention of applying for anything at this time.
Relying on grant funding isn’t secure, she said.
TREC also provides a batterers’ intervention program, counseling and therapy services and outpatient drug and alcohol therapy.



Watch: Safe Visit provides monitored exchanges and supervised visitation. Safe Visit fosters a healthy, neutral thrid party enviroment for parent and child.
Bull Shit
A Parent's Guide To MakingChild-Focused Visitation Decisions  
What is supervised visitation? Supervision in the case of parental separationSupervision in the case of out-of-home placementWhy not use a friend? How do I find a provider?

Kansas Network of Visitation Providers 

Do you need a lawyer?


Call the Kansas Lawyer Referral Service at 1- (800) 928-3111


YMCA Annual DinnerPicture: The YMCA Annual dinner whereJudge Nancy Parrish was recognized previously asYMCA Volunteer of the Year for herassistance to the Safe Visit Program.


HUMAN RIGHTS DENIED! Audio Recording of Drex Flott, Kara Haney of Odyssey Group, TREC. (Staff’s Admit's of Knowledge of Abuse by Father)

HUMAN RIGHTS DENIED! Audio Recording of Drex Flott, Kara Haney of Odyssey Group, TREC. (Staff’s Admit's of Knowledge of Abuse by Father)

Audio Recording of Meeting with Drex Flott, Kara Haney of Odyssey Group, Topeka Kansas (Staff’s admissions of knowledge of abuse by father) en re: Allowing granddaughter to go to funeral.

HUMAN RIGHTS REMAIN DENIED! -All For Self Profit. Its monetary - it's ALL about the money.


In my last post the audio failed to upload to bean pod do the size of file- but in looking around I found that some ones else had it uploaded! Thx Anonymoms
10-29-2008 Meeting with Drex Flott, Kara Haney of odyssey en re: allowing granddaughter to go to funeral.http://www.mefeedia.com/watch/27260554
So much for ‘mandated reporting’ huh?- they would loose $$$ if they told the truth.. so the lesson is clear- Abuse for Profit! Thanks Odyssey Kara and Drex and your co-conspirators…
“All it takes for evil to succeed is that could be- good men –do nothing”-Edmond Burke
10-29-2008 Meeting with Drex Flott, Kara Haney of odyssey en re: allowing granddaughter to go to funeral.http://www.mefeedia.com/watch/27260554
10-29-2008 1h 50m
8:5010:28 begins
13:2914:13 Kara petition what do you want and the court hearing set
16:07 -what is our involvement
17:00- contact with rikki
17:50- they let lacey [the dog] see rikki
18:43- motion 4 hearing asking for normalcy in visits
20:19 -about the motion being filed rikki not on the kid more convenient for dad?
21:45 -dependent upon her peers give her money
22.35- $20.00 to e
22.53 -denied braces no phone-denied contact with her phone
23.55 -it is not up to rikki
25.00 -dad broke my mouth but don’t place psych eval.
26:12- power struggle with courts (I acted out)
27:00 -we deserve this trip together
29:00- I drove twice week I worked at LSH
30:10- rikki –‘granny won’t let dad hurt mom’
30:00 -(15 years)
32:00 KsJudicialperformance act (liz samora
33.00 drex more than we know.
34.00 try loosing a child to an abuser I thought- I had the right to be safe
36:00 my mom my pain not going to let that happen to my daughter.
BMCC two years’ courageous kids
38:00 not a part of my life
41:00- how come dad don’t love me (rikki)
43:00- rikki is awesome drex says ‘I am in her’ ag 's office- rikki early years 4 or 5 years old
46:50 - when they took my daughter they took my soul
47:00- letter from hospital
48:50 -contact with GAL braces Aug 6th en re braces
51:58 Rikki says ‘dad is in charge (dont write this down)
53:33- kara a couple of issues 1. Funeral 2. Unsupervised
1:15:30 does rikki want to go en re the court
1:17:15 rikkis voice well rikki says
1:19:50 Kara- ‘rikki does have a very controlled home a lot of external Control
1:21:50 for rikkis safety- choose to disengage as I am not safe for her- this is how are lives are-
1:23:25- admissions of abuse
1:26:40 -how rikki survives- Julie- takes a lot for rikki
1:28:28 Julie is in fear too states Drex-rikki is the best judge
1:30:00 – mother and daughter visits are very empowering very balanced positive strength based
1:33:20 sv is not there gives us freedom rikki and I freedom? to monitor at discretion we don’t need help to nurture our relationship states kara
1:37:23 visits don’t cut my visits drex reintegration reunification
1:38:36 visits went back because julie and rikki to cancel the visit so they just set them back temporary football season-Rikki in a double binder-
1:41:13 - kara -rikki struggled with telling mom no more weekends. drex- national zone
1:48:40 end

<a title="View 10-16-2008 Odyssey Report RE: Dombrowski Case 96D217 on Scribd" href="http://www.scribd.com/doc/24777873" style="margin: 12px auto 6px auto; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block; text-decoration: underline;">10-16-2008 Odyssey Report RE: Dombrowski Case 96D217</a><iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="http://www.scribd.com/embeds/24777873/content?start_page=1&view_mode=list" data-auto-height="true" data-aspect-ratio="" scrolling="no" id="doc_55457" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Custody Switch, The Scam, Court Ordered Abuse for Profit

Custody Switch - Safe Visit of Topeka, Kansas - The Scam, Court Ordered Abuse for profit-
Custody Switch - Safe Visit of Topeka, Kansas - The Scam, Court Ordered Abuse for profit-

Because of the Fathers Rights Initiatives. Mommies NOT needed. Just Access Visitation Programs.
I had not finished this chapter but due to the recent article about safe Visit and Connie Sanchez in Topeka Kansas, "United Way pulls funding on Safe Visit program" I published what I have written thus far for use on a blog article about Save Visit Loosing their Funding and HOPEFULLY Closing by February..... in the article it states max 30 one hour supervised visits.
Rikki and I were SUPERVISED there for over Decade - 15 YEARS. Incredible. Two lives completely destroyed ... the best they could come up with was a limit of 30 hours. If this had been the rule in the many years of it's inception in 1995 and in 1996 when we were 1st Court Ordered to the'human trafficking' and 'Take Battered Mothers Children and give to Abusers Program' akaSafe Visit. These people need to go down, them and all ACCESS VISITATION aka Custody Switch Programs for Batterers.
Perhaps.... ...a mother and daughter would know each today if 30 hours was max......As is, there has been absolutely no contact in several years. Which is why I began writing or attempts to "Leaving The War Zone."
Chapter Three - The Custody Switch, The Scam, The Profit$
June 15th 2011 7:00 A.M.

Rikki with her Mother Claudine Dombrowski. Casualties of Safe Visit Program Who Assist's Batterers In Getting Child Custody, While Erasing Mother.
It’s Wednesday, ‘hump day’. I am sitting outside this cool morning drinking my coffee, feeling the warmth on my legs listening to the world waking up- I am reminded of a time –many years ago when rikki and I were still safe. In w. Kansas in our in Pawnee rock.
I would sit outside drinking my coffee in the early morning quiet. The weather cool- watering my awesome flowers that I had landscaped for several years.
Our home was beautiful. We had a small pool 12 ft for Rikki her friends and I. These were warm memory days. Days when I knew where my daughter was, days when hope floated with each beating of her heart. I would love to watch her sleep- she sleeps like I do- rough. She snores- like I do- and inherited maternal trait from my own dear mother.
Allergies tend to hit us with a storm, but we never let them effect the beauty and joy of each precious day we had. At this time in the late 90’s we had only 3 weeks together before the week long hell visits would begin for her.
The courts start in the custody switch. A game that is now known to many mothers- “The Custody Switch” mine came on snail mail by the Judge with out motion from either party, without hearing, the judge simple on his own issued his own 9 page order on July 31, 2000 that rikki would be living with her father. And that if I foreclosed on our beautiful home and quit my well paying state job (dad never paid child support - I never needed it - I had been working for the state of Kansas as a psychiatric nurse for almost 13 years ) I was to quit my job, severe all contact with my home, rikkis home, and relocate to Topeka Kansas (the courts knowing that do to my physical injuries inflicted by daddy dearest that I would not be able to work in Topeka—Larned state hospital had made concessions for my physical disabilities- and Topeka state hospital had closed in 1996- when I moved to Pawnee Rock).
That day, july 31, 2000 will always mark the day-:the music died’.- we had after 6 years of heavy litigation and after I had spent in upwards of over 1 million dollars—my child was gone.
I was forced into unemployment, homelessness, and no health care—all for “the best interest of the child’. Makes no sense does it? Daddy prompty tried to get me back into the house by forcing me to have ssex to even see rikki—I did. Who wouldn't.
By December of that same year, the last time I saw rikki with out armed guard—daddy had beaten rikki so badly, I could not allow her suffering anymore -- I confronted him—only to find that once again as a good ‘co-parenting’ (as quoted by Harry Moore Case manger—‘it’s called co-parenting deal with it”) I had the hell beat out of me again. (this is co-parenting).
I then found myself brutally raped that same beating Dec 16th,2000 just two days after rikki had been beaten, (she fell up the hill btw) her face swollen and tears in her eyes. God rikki I am so sorry, I am so sorry. I tried to protect her, I did the unthinkable. I reported it.
As all protective mothers are - I was swiftly denied any contact with my dear sweet rikki for the next two years. Then when I was placed into supervised visits—they were arm guard—hence began the next decade of our lives. When I was able to see her it was through safe visits only. The cost was excruciating, the time was only an hour—we could not hug we could not talk about anything past dull, how’s school etc. And never never about why we were even there, why mom and daughter could not even see each other in the park, outside or at home, or go anywhere.

We remained confined to a 10’ x 10’ room with 1 monitor, 1 supervisor, 1 armed Shawnee county sheriff guard – all within arm distance - the monitor wrote down everything we said - everything we did. They even would stop us when we would talk to fast, so they could catch up.
I am sorry Rikki. (of course- I am not to have access to these reports) I do have some reports that they sent to the court or to the guardian ad litem. Not all mind you but some. See here: SAFE VISIT REPORTS & MEMOS

I am brought back to present day, the sun warm on my legs. The cool morning air of a Kansas summer. A life time ago. I have no contact with Rikki. Its been more that a year and a half since I last talked to or saw her. I have always been able to follow her cyber prints. But they ceased a month ago. No one knows where she is—dad will not report her missing. He is dad after all—still with his child’s coffin and hunting rifle on the wall. No one sees a problem with this.

Where are you baby? I pray you are safe, I pray you are alive.
There have been no unidentified bodies in the 100 mile radius fitting her description. ‘whew’.
Since I am a nobody the police will not help inform me of her whereabouts—after all dad a snitch for the police has just helped to ‘bag’ a 60 person felony drug bust—so they are really protecting him. –as usual